
Nada's Ramadan Tips
On the blessed occasion of The Holy Month, Nada Alawi speaks about Ramadan routine and gives a few styling tips!
The 5 Languages of Love
Nada brings in Oprah's podcast episode with Dr. Gary Chapman and discusses how his book concept "The 5 Languages of Love" translates into Annada's brand through 5 aspects.
6 Scarf Styles From GOSSIP GIRL

Hello, upper east siders! Let’s gossip about 6 scarf styling inspirations we can still wear today!

The Art of Layering

Layering: an ongoing trend that we all somehow apply in our day-to-day styling. A trend that has been catching my attention more and more lately as I have been recognizing this specific styling technique for how much freedom it gives me to properly express myself through my outfits...